miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

  Hi, today I am going to talk about what job I would like to have in the future.

I really like to bake and decorate cakes and cookies, whenever I bake cookies, I would decorate them with my little brother, so I thought of getting a job in a bakery but it’s more of a hobby.

 When I was at school I wanted to be a photographer because I really enjoy taking pictures, especially portraits and buildings (like architecture). But I realized that studying design was a better option because it gives me more diversity job wise. I really like building things with my hands and I used to draw a lot too. My brother and I are the only ones in the family that are more artistic (he really loves origami) so I’m always doing Crafts with him.

I would like to work designing products, like toys, or maybe shelves and organizers because at my house in Puerto Montt I was always building organizers with pieces of wood and cardboard that my dad didn’t need anymore.

 I would make simple designs that accommodates to different tapes of places. You don’t need a lot of skills to do that because now we can do almost all with programs. I would be very satisfy if someone bought on of my designs, like for example, a toy for a kid and see their excitement in their faces.

 I think every job is good if you like what you do and are passionate about it.

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