miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

  Hi, today I am going to talk about what job I would like to have in the future.

I really like to bake and decorate cakes and cookies, whenever I bake cookies, I would decorate them with my little brother, so I thought of getting a job in a bakery but it’s more of a hobby.

 When I was at school I wanted to be a photographer because I really enjoy taking pictures, especially portraits and buildings (like architecture). But I realized that studying design was a better option because it gives me more diversity job wise. I really like building things with my hands and I used to draw a lot too. My brother and I are the only ones in the family that are more artistic (he really loves origami) so I’m always doing Crafts with him.

I would like to work designing products, like toys, or maybe shelves and organizers because at my house in Puerto Montt I was always building organizers with pieces of wood and cardboard that my dad didn’t need anymore.

 I would make simple designs that accommodates to different tapes of places. You don’t need a lot of skills to do that because now we can do almost all with programs. I would be very satisfy if someone bought on of my designs, like for example, a toy for a kid and see their excitement in their faces.

 I think every job is good if you like what you do and are passionate about it.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

    I would like to talk about Francisca Meneses. She is a chilean illustrator who had live in a lot of places like Berlin and London but now she lives in New York. She studied graphic design here in Chile but she desided to be an illustrator because she love to drawand try new things. I found out about her through Youtube and then instagram. She had work in a lot of illustration for magazines and newspapers. She had also work in books illustrations and has her own ones, like "personas favoritas", She made a podcast talking about the subjet of the book with her husband Ed, I listened to it on Spotify. In this podcast they talked about every aspect of frienship, telling us also they experiencies and what they learnt about them. With this podcast they wanted to get in more depth about frienship around adults because a lot of them are directed to children.
     Nowadays she has her own online shop where she sells her illustrations and planners,ahe also keeps doing Youtube videos about what she ussually does when she is working, draws and when she tries new art supplies and have a peatron where she explains more in depth about her work.
     If I meet her I would ask her if it was to hard to move to another country and be far from her family here in Chile.